The Delusion of Appearances
(Section XXXII of Diamond Sutra)
"If even a Bodhisattva of Great Courage filled innumerable galaxies with the seven precious treasures, and offered them as a gift to the supremely enlightened ones, his merit would not compare with the immeasurable merit of a good man or woman who took just one stanza from this Prajnaparamita discourse on dharma and remembered, recited, studied and illuminated it for others. How is this done? In a way which is free from appearances. Thus one illuminates it for others."
Like a meteor, like darkness, as a flickering lamp, An illusion, like hoar-frost or a bubble, Like clouds, a flash of lightning, or a dream: So is all conditioned existence to be seen.
Thus spoke Buddha. (Picture source:
须菩提,若人言,佛说我见、人见、众生见、寿者见。须菩提,于意云何,是 人解我所说义不?不也,世尊,是人不解如来所说义。何以故?世尊说我见、人见、众生见、寿者见。即非我见、人见、众生见、寿者见,是名我见、人见、众生见、寿者见。须菩提,发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心者,于一切法,应如是知,如是见,如是信解,不生法相。须菩提,所言法相者,如来说即非法相,是名法相。须菩提,若有人以满无量阿僧祗世界七宝,持用布施。若有善男子善女人,发菩提心者,持于此经,乃至四句偈等,受持读诵,为人演说,其福胜彼。云何为人演说?不取于相,如如不动。何以故?
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