Friday, November 05, 2010

Living Buddhist masters

By Jack Kornfield



  1. Thanks for sharing this information! If I may also share, I love surrounding myself with Buddhism Art because it helps me with my Zen.

  2. Amulets and talismans are in fact nothing more or less than good luck charms and after all that is exactly what millions of people in this world look for; shop for, and crave for in their lives. What we'll be looking at here is a brief look back at the history of these good luck symbols in various cultures of the world. These symbols are as different as the many and varied cultures of the world and differ considerably according to their times and places of origin as well as their societies and religions. After all, an amulet may certainly represent a God or a symbol of deity such as a cross or a bull or an "eye of Horus", or another such representation according to the culture. Some societies even use gemstones as symbols of deity. 四面佛


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