Sunday, September 05, 2010

Poem by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

Mind’s ultimate nature, emptiness endowed with vividness,
I was told is the real Buddha.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of hierarchy.

Mind’s ultimate nature, its emptiness aspect,
I was told is the real Dharma.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of political correctness.

Mind’s ultimate nature, its vivid aspect,
I was told is the real Sangha.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of equal rights.

One cannot disassociate emptiness from vividness.
This inseparability I was told is the Guru.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with depending on chauvinist lamas.

This nature of mind has never been stained by duality,
This stainlessness I was told is the deity.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with the categories of “gender” or “culture.”

This nature of mind is spontaneously present.
That spontaneity I was told is the dakini aspect.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with fear of being sued.

~ Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche

~End of Post~


1 comment:

  1. Very inspiring verses! I would like to share my favorite short book....
    The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
    The Method of Realizing Nirvanna Through Knowing
    The Mind by Padma Sambhava

    located at....



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