Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Buddhism in a Global Age of Technology

A distinguished scholar of Buddhism, Lewis Lancaster founded the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative to use the latest computer technology to map the spread of various strands of Buddhism from the distant past to the present. Series: "Burke Lectureship on Religion & Society" [6/2008] [Humanities] [Show ID: 14331]

~End of post~



  1. Wow, I was so interested with this video I didn't realize how long it was! Thank you for posting it. It was so informative yet easy to follow.

    Also I want you to know that I have linked my blog to yours. If you deem it appropriate, I would be grateful if you linked yours to mine, but don't feel like you have to. I look forward to reading your future entries.

  2. Man, just read Shurangama Sutra!


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